Hello Everyone,
I'm Sadao Tsuchiya
Please scroll down for more details
はじめまして! ニュージーランド南島クイーンズタウン在住の土屋貞夫と申します。アウトドアや登山が大好きで、NZの自然に魅せられて住み着きました。NZとヨーロッパアルプスへのハイキングガイド・旅ガイドとしてお客さまをご案内する傍ら、病院での日本語医療通訳、旅行・留学関係に特化したWEBデザインも手がけています

About Me...
I’m a hiking guide, currently living in Queenstown, New Zealand’s South Island. Born and bred in the Japanese capital Tokyo, I worked for the both New Zealand and Japanese mountains to research landscape changes. Now I’m a guide around Queenstown, Fiordland and Aoraki/Mt Cook Areas in New Zealand summers and taking Japanese hiking tours to the European Alps in their summer. I’m also working as an on-call interpreter and a casual web designer for Japanese tourism companies and student agencies based in New Zealand. I’m an adventurer, a trail runner, a stand-up-paddler, a telemark/alpine skier and a mountain/road biker on a cross country race!
My Everyday Life...

My Works...
If you are interested in who I am, please have a look at this list of academic papers and books I had written while in Japan, as well as adventure travel magazine and race articles I have contributed since I moved to New Zealand.
Since the Covid pandemic, I have been a lecturer on webinar sessions by Tourism New Zealand Tokyo – Kiwi Connection Japan. They provide up-to-date information in the Southern Lakes region for travel agents based in Japan. I am working along with Destination Queenstown and local tour operators, restaurants, retail shops and accommodation providers.
I majored in “Forestry” but the study covers a lot of elements. I specially studied Erosion Control in both Japan and New Zealand. We called our study “Sediment Budget” – we estimated how much sediment hillslopes produce, streams and rivers can carry and ending up in the ocean, and how long does it take to deliver? We were also concerned about how sediment and flooding events affect riparian ecosystem as well as human activities? I studied Forest Ecology, Forest Sociology, Forest Engineering, Forest Survey, Plant Ecology, Forest History, Geomorphology, Geology and National Park Management as well.
My Design Work...