About Me...
こんにちは! ニュージーランド南島クイーンズタウンでトレッキングガイドをしている土屋貞夫です。東京都出身の私がなぜニュージーランドに移住してきたのか、ちょっとだけ自己紹介させてください。
Hi there, I’m Sadao. Born and bred in Tokyo, Japan. But somehow I ended up living in Queenstown, New Zealand and being a full time hiking guide all over the globe. This is a bit of history of me!
I love outdoors. Since when I was a teenager, I think. This is why I decided to study forestry in Shinshu University. The university is one of those all high school students in Japan who loves outdoor admire to study. It is the centre for all sort of mountain researches and located right next to the Japanese Alps. I spent most of time fly fishing in rivers next to the campus in summers, and managed to condense all lectures into three days a week and went for telemark skiing for rest of the week in winters. That time I found that my body can’t cope and need rest if I go for skiing seven days a week!
What brought me to New Zealand? In 2001 I was asked “Which country do you like? – Australia, New Zealand or the United States” by the professor when I wanted to continue master’s course. I have heard skiers and snowboarders go to New Zealand for training in summer, so I answered “New Zealand”. Three months later I was sent to Ruatoria for the erosion control research. Not many people has been kidnapped to Ruatoria straight away after entering the country. Ruatoria is remote and wild. The life there is interesting – courier substitutes public bus service, power cut happens once a week and kids riding horse to go to school. But I thought this life style is pretty good.


In November 2006 I decided to throw away all my academic career in Japan, and moved to New Zealand completely. After my first job as a hut warden in Tongariro National Park, I tramped across the South Island from Queen Charlotte Track to Routeburn-Greenstone Track. This three months was my very first long trail experience and I heard about a hiking guide job. Since the following summer I started a full time hiking guide which I work for Milford, Routeburn and Greenstone Tracks in summer, European Alps in their summer and little bit of winter in between. I also join some local trail running and mountain biking races since 2008.

私の職務経歴 / My Work History
所有資格 / My Qualifications
  • Bush Leader – New Zealand Outdoor Instructor Association: NZ野外インストラクター協会ハイキングガイド資格
  • Pre Hospital Emergency Care: アウトドア救急救命上級資格
  • Work Place First Aid Level 2: 屋内/職場救急救命上級資格
  • Class 1, 2 & 4 Driving Licence with Passenger Endorsement: NZ普通/中型/大型二種運転免許
  • Liquor Licence Controller: NZ酒類販売資格
  • General Surveyor Technician: 測量士補(国土地理院)
  • MSc in Agriculture – Shinshu University: 農学修士(信州大学大学院)
私の大会出場歴 / My Race History